We care about our planet

Sustainability at Personage

While prioritizing the preservation of the environment, we ensure that our products maintain their exceptional quality and safety. We are continuously making advancements, although there is still progress to be made. Rest assured, we will keep you informed throughout the process.

packed in
compostable film

Our vitamin packs have been updated to include a plant-based film made from wood pulp and a blend of fermented corn, cassava root, and sugarcane. These new films adhere to the same safety standards as our previous packs, ensuring the protection and freshness of your vitamins while also benefiting the environment.


Our updated vitamin packs now feature an innovative plant-based film crafted from natural wood pulp. This eco-friendly film is a harmonious blend of fermented corn, cassava root, and sugarcane. Rest assured, these freshly incorporated films maintain the stringent safety standards that have always been synonymous with our previous packaging. This not only safeguards the potency and freshness of your essential vitamins but also contributes positively to our environment.


How to compost
your vitamin packs

Take your daily vitamins
Same daily routine, just friendlier to the earth.
Compost your daily packs
Dispose of your packs in the compost pile. If your community provides composting services, we suggest utilizing them.
Vanishing into thin air!
Our packages is created to naturally break down over time.